Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a formal expert committee of an organization undertaking modern biotechnology work which involves the use of any Living Modified Organisms/recombinant DNA molecule (LMO/rDNA) materials. However, the scope of the IBC may be extended as deemed necessary. The IBC should be chaired by the Head of the organization or his designate (a suitable senior officer)
Membership of UTAR IBC
The members shall consist of:
1) President or his designate – IBC Chair*
2) Two (2) representatives (one academic staff and one laboratory officer nominated by the Dean) from the following relevant faculties, appointed by the President to be a member of IBC and whose duration of appointment shall be 2 years and may be re-appointed:
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS)
Faculty of Science (FSc)
Faculty of Engineering and Science (FES)
Faculty of Environment and Green Technology (FEGT)
3) The Biological Safety Officer (BSO) of the University who shall be appointed by the President from among the Committee members.
4) A representative from the UTAR Occupational Safety and Health Committee
Secretariat: Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR)
(* The Chair should have knowledge and experience in scientific research pertaining to LMO/rDNA)
Responsibilities of IBC
The IBC’s responsibilities shall include but are not confined to the following:
1. Provide guidance to Principal Investigators on biosafety policies and issues in the use of LMO/rDNA research, including safety of laboratory personnel and other members of the University.
2. Recommend approval for LMO/rDNA research projects that are found to conform to Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosafety (Approval and Notification) Regulations 2010 and periodically reviewing these research projects.
3. Assess and monitor the facilities, procedures, practices, training and expertise of personnel involved in LMO/rDNA research.
4. Notify the PI of the results of the IBC’s review, approval, or rejection of their application for approval and notification of all activities involving the use of LMO/rDNA to the NBB (National Biosafety Board).
5. Assess and set containment levels for LMO/rDNA research and modify containment levels as necessary.
6. Assess field experiments to ensure that the proposed risk assessment, risk management and emergency response plan are sufficient. (7) Adopt and implement emergency response plan covering accidental spills and personnel contamination, resulting from LMO/rDNA research.
7. Review and report to the President, UTAR and to the NBB any significant problems with non-compliance of the Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosafety (Approval and Notification) Regulations 2010 and any significant research related accidents or illnesses.
8. Ensure the information provided in the relevant application form (Approval/Notification) is correct and complete.
9. Assist in the development of appropriate procedures as required by NBB, to oversee the possession and/or use of LMO/rDNA materials.
10. Recommend suspension of project approval for the possession or use of LMO/rDNA materials including research, where the IBC finds non-compliance or that such use or possession poses a threat to the health and safety of the community. Follow-up procedures should include biosafety review with improvements/modification or cessation of project approval with notification to NBB.
11. Routinely review the policies and procedures of the IBC and modify them as necessary to ensure appropriate biosafety measures and compliance with Biosafety Act 2007 and Biosafety (Approval and Notification) Regulations 2010.